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Wydarzenie (konferencja, szkolenie, seminarium, warsztaty) językowe już się odbyło.

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

Przemyśl - 26 lutego - czwartek
Podkarpackie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli, ul. Kraszewskiego 7a
Info.: 0 605 990 135

Z ogromną przyjemnością zapraszamy na kolejną, dziewiętnastą już edycję bezpłatnych szkoleń metodycznych dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego, organizowanych przez wydawnictwo Macmillan w całej Polsce.
seminarium angielski .

Warsztaty teachFRESH●2009 to rzetelna informacja o naszych nowościach wydawniczych, nowinki w metodyce nauczania, dziesiątki nowych pomysłów do natychmiastowego wykorzystania w klasie na każdym etapie edukacyjnym.

10.00 - 10.30 Klasy 1-3 Wojciech Przytuła
Nowa Podstawa Programowa: główne założenia i ich realizacja w Bugs World

10.45 - 12.00 Klasy 4-6 Małgorzata Krzemińska-Adamek
A class of uncut diamonds? Refining learning through personalization

12.30 - 13.45 Gimnazjum Małgorzata Krzemińska-Adamek
Grammar rules, language functions and everything works fine!

14.00 - 15.15 Szkoły Małgorzata Krzemińska-Adamek
ponadgimnazjalne All’s well that reads well - revisiting the truths about reading as a skill

A class of uncut diamonds? Refining learning through personalization
How could we shortly characterize 4-6 graders: children, pre-teens, pre-rebels? Uncut diamonds in need of polishing? What kind of teaching methodology will be appropriate for this age group? Given who they are, a truly effective teaching approach should be an amalgam of the predictable – to make the language stay, and the humanistic - to maximize the learner involvement on a personal level.
As an inherent component of planning teaching and learning, personalization has a lot to offer. It has the potential to change group dynamics, serves as a springboard for a variety of classroom and homework activities, and allows for deeper levels of language processing. Quite importantly, personalization helps learners perceive the teachers’ aims and perspectives as their own.
So, what are the hot spots of personalization in the language classroom? How to combine the mainstream and the individualized? Come and find out in this workshop.

Grammar rules, language functions and everything works fine!
Our perception of the path along which interlanguage develops has been shaped by different beliefs about the role of grammar, with some teaching methods condemning the teaching of grammar and some others being really keen on it.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Nowadays, given both the results of modern research and the realities of the exam-focused world, nobody would venture to claim that grammar teaching and recycling should be done away with altogether.
This workshop will focus on selected aspects of the ‘consciousness-raising’ approach, with the key concept of ‘noticing’, understood not only in terms of ‘getting informed’ about a structure, but also becoming aware of gaps in one’s own language knowledge, as manifested in one’s language production.
We will also look at language functions and their role in language accumulation through providing students with ready-to-use, pre-packaged forms. It seems that the combination of grammar teaching and the functional ‘phrasebook’ approach creates conditions for the learner to succeed in exam situations and in real-life language use.

“All’s well that reads well”- revisiting the truths about reading as a skill
Making texts work for students rather than against them is quite a task. Success in comprehension is to some extent attributed to adjusting reading strategies to the purpose of reading and type of text.
seminarium angielski .
But the transfer of strategies students apply so naturally in L1 to L2 is not always easy.
Becoming a successful reader is also about learning ‘text talk’. Perceiving reading in terms of student-text conversation may seem bizarre, but only at first glance. Reading is about satisfying curiosity, seeking explanation, exploring - an active process of interrogating texts with questions that arise with every sentence read.
In this workshop we are going to focus on selected sub-skills of reading and on psycholinguistic aspects of text processing. We are also going to define authenticity and talk about confronting students with different text types in classroom context, where purposes for reading are so different from those in real life.

Na uczestników sesji czeka bardzo atrakcyjny pakiet materiałów konferencyjnych:
 bezpłatne egzemplarze nowości wydawniczych
 unikalne przewodniki poświęcone założeniom Nowej Podstawy Programowej
 przykładowy kompletny test egzaminacyjny dla nauczycieli gimnazjum
 materiały informacyjne uzupełniające sesje trenerów
 certyfikat potwierdzający uczestnictwo w konferencji.

Więcej informacji na stronie:

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2009-02-26
Organizator: Macmillan
Rodzaj: teachFRESH●2009