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szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .


9 lutego 2008 (sobota)
Holiday Inn Gdańsk, ul. Podwale Grodzkie 9

10.00 – 11.05
Dla nauczycieli klas 1-3 szkoły podstawowej

PRIMARY COLOURS – Regina Raczyńska

From the moment you enter the classroom till the moment you leave it 45 minutes later the world in children’s eyes seems to be quite a different place. They suddenly find themselves in a truly magical reality where suddenly red means czerwony and everybody says hello not cześć. It is like going to the theatre twice a week and you play the director’s role. So let it be the time of fun and play, the time of enjoyment and creativity. Let your students be the actors in this extraordinary performance.
seminarium angielski .
During this highly practical presentation you will learn how to give them the primary colours so that they are able to paint the whole rainbow in the future. You will also see that the teachers’ world does not have to be black and white only.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
The session will be illustrated with some materials taken from Footprints – the new Pearson Education course for the lower primary school.

Uczestnicy sesji otrzymają:
książkę ucznia i zeszyt ćwiczeń Footprints Starter
program nauczania Język angielski w kształceniu zintegrowanym klasy 1-3
zestaw materiałów konferencyjnych oraz certyfikat uczestnictwa

11.05 – 11.15

11.15 – 12.10
Dla nauczycieli klas 4-6 szkoły podstawowej


In the course of this session we will look at ways in which children’s cognitive skills develop as they progress through the primary years, and consider what effect this has on the kinds of approaches and activities we use in the classroom. We will focus in particular on grades 4-6 – this being the transition stage between primary and gymnazjum, and present a number of practical ways in which the coursebook can be exploited to suit the changing needs and preferences of this age group.
seminarium angielski .

Uczestnicy sesji otrzymają:
zestaw materiałów konferencyjnych oraz certyfikat uczestnictwa

12.10 – 12.30
Przerwa kawowa

12.30 – 13.25
Dla nauczycieli gimnazjów


This session will consider the implications of the new exams for gymnazjum, and look at ways in which we can provide appropriate practice of the various task types whilst broadening our students’ cultural outlook and knowledge of the world at the same time. The session will be practical in nature and aims to provide a number of ‘ready to use’ activities for the classroom.

Uczestnicy sesji otrzymają:
The Line – DVD do kursu Challenges

Sprzedaż z 20% rabatem poprowadzi księgarnia English Unlimited.
Prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa w konferencji do dnia 6 lutego, pod numerem telefonu (058) 661 25 61.

Serdecznie zapraszamy!

Małgorzata Rozpara
Koordynator zespołu konsultantów
Pearson Longman
tel. 0661 361 084

Marta Więcławska
Konsultant Metodyczny
Pearson Longman
tel. 0661 361 085
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2008-02-09
Organizator: Pearson Longman
Miejsce: GDAŃSK
Rodzaj: konferencja metodyczna