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szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .

11 marca 2008 roku,
Łódzki Dom Kultury /Sala Kinowa/
ul. Traugutta 18

Teacher Training Day

W programie:

Dla nauczycieli klas 0-3

Teresa Doğuelli – “Spark a fi re with New Sparks”
Th e introduction of the New Core Curriculum (nowa podstawa programowa) to grades 1-3 of primary schools in 2008 brings a welcome change – English gains more importance and the number of English lessons grows to 2 hours per week. Th is talk presents New Sparks in the light of the New Core Curriculum as a course that can be used both by language teachers and early education teachers, and focuses on children’s developmental needs that can be met with the help of the course book.
seminarium angielski .
Apart from some theoretical background the session off ers lots of practical tips and fun – things that children love and teachers can’t miss.

Uczestnicy wykładu otrzymają egzemplarz podręcznika New Sparks 1.
13:15-13:45 przerwa

Dla nauczycieli klas 4-6

Mark Andrews – “Culture connecting people: Across the curriculum and through English”
Intercultural learning and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) have become key areas related to language across the curriculum.
szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Th e aim of this talk is to illustrate both the potential and the challenges of these relatively new areas in language teaching and to see how they are dealt with in Tom Hutchinson’s new edition of Project.

Uczestnicy wykładu otrzymają egzemplarz podręcznika Project 1 (third edition).

Teresa Doğuelli has been a teacher/teacher trainer/ UCLES assessor for over 30 years. She has taught children, teenagers and adults and she has designer and run courses, seminars and workshops for students, teachers, trainers, inspectors and parents. She is currently working freelance, training teachers and writing materials for Teaching Teenagers for Oxford University Press. She has an MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Reading and her special interests are the applications of drama and aff ect, NLP and brain-based research to the teaching of English as a foreign language.

Mark Andrews worked for the British Council for 12 years in Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary on ELT projects in Central and Ekstern Europe and now works as a teacher trainer in Budapest.
seminarium angielski .
His special area of interest is integrating language and culture and he is at present co-ordinator of the Hungarian IATEFL “Culture and Literature Special Interest Group”.

Wszyscy uczestnicy otrzymają certyfi katy uczestnictwa w Teacher Training Day.

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Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc, uprzejmie prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa w konferencji pod numerem telefonu w Łodzi: 042 633 83 46, bądź wysyłając wiadomość na adres e-mail: agnieszka.stefanska@oxford.pl.

Serdecznie zapraszamy!

Dominika Biernat
Agnieszka Stefańska
Konsultantki Metodyczne Oxford University Press
ul. Zachodnia 105, I piętro, 90-723 Łódź
tel./fax: 042 633 83 46

szkolenie angielski warsztaty angielski .
Data: 2008-03-11
Miejsce: ŁÓDŹ